Description: Creating and Editing a workflow can be complicated, and not knowing what these items do and you're busy, so there's no time to hover over each actions. Here's the list written out to help you.
Software Version: 18.2
UI = User Input = tasks require some form of action from the user and include tasks such as User Prompts, Combo Boxes, Dropdowns, and Approvals, but also include Display Messages and Datalink Searches
CLIENT = tasks are dependent on having the DocStar Client installed and configured. Client tasks include tasks like OCR, Splitting, and Barcoding.
Automatic = tasks run without user input and include tasks such as Advanced Format, Grant Permissions, Compare Verify, and Clear Approvals.
**Automatic Tasks may require "Asynchronous" to be checked off. Attempt this if Action does not complete**
Add Slot – (Task is not allowed in a Document Workflow) Allows to add an Ad Hoc slot to a Package setting all its main properties.
Add to Folder – Adds document to one or more folders, which are specified by the Path setting combined with the input. Optionally, the folder(s) may be created if necessary.
Add To History – Appends a message, found in the input, to the workflow history. The message will appear within the System tab. This message cannot be altered.
Add To Package – Adds Document to an active Package, identified by the input. If the package exists but is archived, a suffix of (2) is added to the title. Optionally, the package is created if necessary.
Add Values – Adds one or more values to a multivalued output. The current value(s) of the output are retained and additional values are added. For instance, the filed ‘InvoiceNumber’ may contain the value 325 before this task is executed. Executing this task with an input that evaluated to 459 will result in InvoiceNumber having values: 352 and 459.
Advanced Format - The Format String may contain plain text plus one or more format items. The format items appear as numbers in curly braces with optional format codes, such as {0} or {1:C}. The output receives the Format String with each format item replaced by the formatted value of the corresponding input.
Advanced Math – Allows to do math and logical operations with one or more inputs according to an expression string (E.G – {0} AND ({1} OR {2}). The expression string may contain operators and one or more format items. The format items appear as numbers in curly braces with optional format codes. The output receives the result of the expression with each format item replaced by the value of the corresponding input.
Aggregate – Performs the specified aggregate operation over any number of inputs.
Append – Appends he input to the current value of output as text.
Archive Package – (Task is Not Allowed in a Document Workflow) Archives the package, if it isn’t currently archived. Otherwise, this task does nothing.
Barcode – Reads barcodes from an image document. May read a specific region or the whole page; may read a single page or all pages.
Between – Verifies that the first of three input arguments is between the second and third input argument. If no output is specified, the workflow is halted if the result is false.
Change Workflow – End this Workflow and start another upon the completion of the current action.
Clear Approvals – removes all approval requests. Sets number of approvals required to zero. Resets Approvals and Denials to their respective ‘was’ states, so they no longer count but are still visible.
Clear Slot – (Task is not allowed in a Document workflow). Removes all Documents from one slot or several slots by using wildcard (*). Documents are removed without deleting the slot(s). The use of the wildcard alone without a prefix and/or suffix is not allowed (clear all).
Clear Trigger – Removes all triggers on the current document. This task is executed prior to any Set Trigger tasks, therefore you can clear and reset triggers in the same action.
Combo Box – Prompts the user running the workflow to select an item from a list of choices or enter a value. The list of choices may be a global list or a Type Ahead Datalink.
Compare Verify – Compares two input values according to the Comparison setting: >. <, or, =. If no output is specified, the workflow is halted if the result is false.
Compare Verify Threshold – Compares two input values and determines if the first is close enough to the second according to threshold settings. If no output is specified, the workflow is halted if the result is false.
Complete Form – Complete the form, locking in its contents, so that no further changes may occur to the form itself.
Count – Sets Output to the number of values if any of the multi-valued Input; sets Output to 0 if the input is null or unset.
Create Subgroup – Places rows of one group (the subgroup) under rows of the other (the parent group) based on a designated field in the former, which identifies the parent row is the latter.
Datalink – Executes a Datalink Query or Update with no user input.
Datalink Field Group – When Direction = from (grouped fields are among the Inputs), executes a Datalink Query or Update for each row of the field group. When Direction = to (grouped fields are among the Outputs), executes a Datalink Query and populates the outputs with the result.
Datalink Search – Allows user to specify parameters, execute a Datalink Query, and choose a row among its results.
Dearchive Package – (Task is not allowed in Document workflow) Dearchives the package, if it is currently archived. Otherwise this task does nothing.
Display Message – Displays the specified message to the user along with the prompts from any user input tasks. This message may be used to provide instructions to the user. The message may contain additional data specified by the inputs.
Distribute Values – Takes each value of a multi-valued input and places it into one output, replacing whatever was there. Outputs in excess of the number of input values are replaced with null. Thus, if there are three outputs, and input has two values, the first input replaces the first output, the second input replaces the second output and the third output is erased. To ignore some input values, assign them to blank outputs.
Dropdown – Prompts the user running the workflow to select an item from a list of choices, which may be drawn from global list or a Dropdown Datalink. The user may not enter a value which is not found in the list.
End Action – This task allows part of an action to be conditionally executed. If the input is true, the remaining tasks in this action are skipped, and processing continues with the next action of branches.
Extract Text – Uses ‘Ifilter’ technology to retrieve the text contained in many popular native document formats.
Find Regex – Searches for a regex pattern in the input, finding all matches.
Find Text - Searches for the first occurrence of a specific text string in the input. If found, a specified number of Characters, which follow that string are output. If not, an empty string is output. For instance, one may search for ‘Invoice:’ and take the 9 characters which follow as the output.
Format – Formats the input, typically a date or numeric value, according to a specified format code.
Grant Permissions - Grants specified ad hoc permissions for all Users and/or Groups specified by the input(s).
Image Cleanup - Performs Despeckle and/or Deskew; designed for bitonal images only. Special Notes: Greyscale and color images in PDF files are converted to bitonal. Annotations and Document Text will be destroyed.
In Inbox Verify - Checks if the document is in any Inbox and halts workflow or sets an output value accordingly.
Is – Tests that the input is true, non-blank, or non-zero; halts workflow or sets an output value according to the result.
Join – Concentrates multiple values using a specified delimiter, such as a comma. Thus, if the inputs are ‘Peter’, ‘Paul’, and ‘Mary’ and the delimiter is ‘,’ then the output is set to ‘Peter, Paul, Mary’.
Math – Performs a math operation on two inputs, storing the result in an output. If inputs are multi-valued, the operation is performed for each value and all results are stored in the (multi-valued) output. Optionally, the inputs and/or output may be in a Field Group.
OCR – Performs optical character recognition on images, yielding text.
Prepend – Inserts the input to front of the output, interpreting both as text.
Prompt for Content Type – Prompts user with a dropdown of all Content Types that the user has permission to view.
Prompt for Folder – Prompts user to select a Folder, to which the document will be added.
Prompt for Group (or User) – Prompts user with a dropdown of all groups. Optionally, users can be included in the dropdown.
Prompt for Inbox – Prompts user with a dropdown of all Inboxes that the user has permission to view.
Prompt for Package – Prompts user with a type ahead box that will perform a search for all packages a user can view that partially matches the name typed in.
Prompt for Record Category – Prompts user with a dropdown of all Record Categories that the user has permission to view.
Prompt for Security Class - Prompts user with a dropdown of all Security Classes that the user has permission to view.
Prompt for User – Prompts user with a dropdown of all Users.
Prompt for Workflow – Prompts user with a dropdown of all workflows that the user has permission to view.
Regex Verify – Determines if the input matches a Regular Expression (Regex) and halts the workflow or sets an output accordingly.
Remove Ad Hoc Permissions – Removes ad hoc permissions from the workflow item, if any, so that it is accessible only through its security class permissions this is often desirable because the creator of a document or package is automatically given ad hoc permissions, which are not necessarily appropriate later.
Remove Folders Ad Hoc Permissions – Removes ad hoc permissions from the folder or folders specified by the input, which contain the current document.
Remove From All Folders – Removes the document from all folders. If it is not in any folders, this task does nothing.
Remove From Folders – Remove the document from folder(s) specified by the input. If the document is not in a specified folder, or if an input value is not a valid folder path, it is ignored.
Remove From Inbox – Removes the document from its Inbox. If it is not in one, this task does nothing.
Remove Slot – (Task is not allowed in a Document Workflow) Removes on slot or several by using wildcard (*). It removes all documents from the slots and delete the slots. The use of the wildcard alone without a prefix and/or suffix is not allowed (Remove all).
Replace – Replaces the current value of the output, if any, with the current, value of the input. This task is often used to update common document properties like title and keywords and less common ones, like Inbox and Record Category.
Replace Text – Reads the input as text, replaces all occurrences of a specified string with another string, and places the result in the output.
Request Approval - Issues an approval request to a user or group, or potentially to multiple users or groups. (Doesn’t issue a request if the specified recipient has already approved or denied or received a request.)
Search Task – Executes a search for other documents and reports the number of documents found and their titles.
Search and Update Task – Executes a search for other documents and updates one field in each document found.
Send Email – Sends email(s) with a link to and/or attachment of the workflow item to recipients specified by the first input.
Send Submission – Task is not allowed in a Document workflow (Sends a package attached to an email according to the specified Submission Type.)
Set Field Group Values – Populates a field group with rows of values from the inputs. There are no outputs. Instead, the fields identified by the input keys are set.
Set Trigger – Sets a trigger for the current document that will send an email notification based on if the document is overdue. Past due is calculated by the Due Date by default or optionally you can specify a second argument to specify another field to be used.
Simple Combo Box – Prompts the user to either type in a value or select one from a list, which is defined in the task. (If the user is required to pick from the list and should not be allowed to type a value, the Simple Dropdown Task should be used, instead.)
Simple Dropdown – Prompts the user to select a value from a list, which is defined in the task. (If the user should be allowed to enter values not in the list, the Simple Combo Box Task should be used, instead.)
Sleep – Until the Target time is reached, cancels the current actions and enters the hold state. The action is re-evaluated on any update. Optionally, depending on the company setting, actions in the hold state are re-evaluated hourly.
Split Text – Split text based on a delimiter, such as a comma. For instance, if the input is equal to “Jones, Stephen”, it will be split into “Jones” and “Stephen”.
Split on Barcodes – Splits a document on either a specific barcode or on all barcodes. Setting control what barcodes are used to split, what content type is applied to new documents created from this task, and how their titles are built. Note that the original document is deleted if the first page is a qualifying barcode. Otherwise, the first document is left with any pages which precede the first qualifying barcode.
Split on Blank Pages – Splits a document on blank pages. Settings control what content type is applied to new documents created from this task, and how their titles are built. Note that the original document is deleted if the first page is a blank. Otherwise, the first document is left with any pages which precede the first blank.
String Format – Applies formatting operations determined by the setting.
Substring – Select a specified number of characters from the input after skipping a certain number of characters. For instance, if the input is expected to be “Invoice: #####” where “#####” is some 5 digit number, the task can be used to isolate the number by skipping 9 characters (the word, Invoice, plus the colon and space) and taking 5.
Switch Package Type – (Task is not allowed in Document Workflow). Allows to Change the type of package. The task will automatically match slots from old type with the new one by name and add any missing slot from the new type.
Type Verify – Verifies that the input can be converted to a specified type and performs the conversion.
User Add to Package – Prompts the current user to add the workflow item to a package.
User Approval – Prompts the current user to approve or deny the workflow item.
User Prompt – Prompts the user to enter data using the conventional text box.
User Verification – Asks the user to select one of two radio buttons, verifying the quality, status, or other aspect of the workflow item. What exactly the user is verifying is indicating by the user prompt and the button labels, which are specified through settings. The effect of verifying the item is determined by the output, if any. Note that this operates independently of the Approval mechanism.
User Verify Field Group – Presents the user with a view of deviations (if any) between custom field group values and a Datalink result. Prompts user to verify that the field group data are satisfactory.
Verify Content Type – Verifies that the input is a valid content type.
Verify Field Group – Compares field group rows to a Datalink result, matching rows in each based on one or more designated key fields. Returns true of the field group data satisfactorily match the Datalink result.
Verify Group – Verifies that the input is a valid group.
Verify Inbox – Verifies that the input is a valid Inbox.
Verify Security Class – Verifies that the input is a valid Security Class.
Verify User – Verifies that the input is a valid User.
Wait For – Evaluates the input. If false, blank, or zero the current action is halted and the workflow waits for the input to be true, non-blank, or non-zero.